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  4. Tech It Out: China to set a new speed record in ground transportation

In reality those trains run pretty much empty. You know china is running out of money. Building the infrastructure for that is so expensive that the Chinese government will have to subsidize it heavily. It's also sad to see how arrogant people are - whatever country they come from. Being the best in one area or another doesn't give you the right to talk trash about the rest of the world, especially when you are trailing so far behind in so many other areas. The world isn't black and white - you would think that adults would understand this The strange thing is that people don't understand most of the world doesn't want a train network.

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This is a great accomplishment, but it's useless for the western world. Would you rather drive, or take a train? Why not fly? I hate flying, but most people would prefer it. Chinese people have the most quality freedom. No one come and shoot. No one want to offer you a drug. No one ask you to play in porn. China is unique and real freedom country. The West differs from China!

Overzicht Van De Voor- En Nadelen

West: in Theory we could combine light materials and super conductive materials, aero dynamics.. Japanese maglev has used superconducting magnets since I hope it's a coincidence. I just spent over 7 hours driving on a two lane highway from San Francisco to LA and then once I hit LA traffic, I spent another two hours to get downtown.

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China is leaving us in the dust. The first high-temperature superconductor was discovered in , by IBM researchers Bednorz and Müller, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in "for their important break-through in the discovery of superconductivity in ceramic materials".

Speed is a thing of the past as it consummes massive amounts of energy , and the infrastructure for high speed trains demands massive quantities of concrete , steel , electronics etc etc.

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No one cares about China's overcompensation for all of its failures and drawbacks as a nation. Millions are illiterate, ignorant, and in poverty, but look, train go zooooom! Make sure you'll be able to adapt the current railway network to the Maglev technology China.

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This is an important part of their future exploitation and the cost saving alongside it. And Indian government still taking permissions from local authorities to pass tenders from the years. CGTN Maand geleden , 3, Nitaben Patel 3 uur geleden What is the purpose of making highsped rail and high growth of GDP while spreading Chinese virus and ruining life of people in entire world..?

Nitaben Patel 3 uur geleden One more stealing rail technology from Germany. Hayashi Shockley 4 uur geleden Great! Nasir 10 uur geleden Amazing technologies of future. Lytrya 13 uur geleden This train is not durable at all. Adventure Faps 16 uur geleden China beating everyone on high speed rail it aint even close. I thought we're talking about some breakthrough.

Maximilian Wimmer Dag geleden High-temperature ceramic superconductors are very difficult to produce in high enough quality to have the desired properties and to function properly. Amjad Ali Dag geleden Long live china.

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Fulhamboy H Dag geleden Yet they have dog eating festivals and kids working in factories, they should be paying compensation for spreading their filthy desiese to the world. Give it a few months and they will have to scrap it! Cookster Dag geleden Yet despite all this technology China gets classed as a developing nation for the Paris climate agreement and are building more new coal fired power stations to offset any being closed elsewhere in the world. Martin Dag geleden Next level technology: encapsulate train in a vacuum tube to eliminate resistance.

Oliver Goicov Dag geleden I wonder how much it cost for constructing 1 km of track and how much is the upkeep for both tracks and trains.

Geraint Scott 2 dagen geleden That narrator has a rather Adolph Hithlar 2 dagen geleden man you just know the likes are CCP bots. McLeo 2 dagen geleden The clicks are all dogs. Humphrey Channel 2 dagen geleden This man says words so strangely! Where is he from? Wei Jerry 2 dagen geleden Wait Did they lay the submarine railway to Taiwan like the Channel Tunnel?

FordFalconnBlue 2 dagen geleden meanwhile.. US still using 40 year old semi's and 30 year old school bus's. David Chambers 2 dagen geleden It's made in China, so it will fall apart a few days after the two year warranty. Charmander 2 dagen geleden BBC Splat Kenoreno 3 dagen geleden What with dude's weird accent? Requiem 3 dagen geleden This narrator has an American and Chinese accent at the same time lol.

M McManus 3 dagen geleden Nobody talks like that naturally. Commentators accent is either affected or fake. M McManus 3 dagen geleden Commentator has a fake American accent. Poverty Spec 3 dagen geleden Sooner of later, one of these will crash. Bay Work 3 dagen geleden Meanwhile India is leading the world in building temples and erecting statues while covid affected citizens are dying due to lack of hospitals. P30 Lite 3 dagen geleden Meanwhile in India, people are dying due to lack of oxygen and medical facilities. Rimmi Ana 3 dagen geleden Okkk. Their government is working hard for their country.

Wayne Bynoe 4 dagen geleden HEY! Jz K 4 dagen geleden Meanwhile we can not get on a regular train without clown-masques. SabahFx 4 dagen geleden The new fastest world record is going to dominated by china once againt! Zack Seven 5 dagen geleden Like everything else produced in China it will fail within a few years. SabahFx 4 dagen geleden Wow, well said mate. Lee Choon hoe 5 dagen geleden Roy Bhaj 5 dagen geleden China ahead. Aan de slag in forex handelscursussen , noteer uw login en wachtwoord met het wachtwoord van een handelaar kunt u transacties op de rekening uitvoeren en het wachtwoord van de belegger is alleen bedoeld om de activiteit op de rekening te controleren zonder het verloop van de handel te beïnvloeden.

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Tech It Out: China to set a new speed record in ground transportation

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